What Does A Contraction Feel Like? (updated 2022)
What does a contraction feel like? Will it hurt? You’re not the first one to ask these question. Every first time mom asks and many repeat mothers do, too! It’s very hard to imagine ahead of time what the physical sensation of a contraction feels like. Likewise, it is hard to remember what a contraction…
These Are Days You’ll Remember
Pregnancy. Our future. The hope of something magical and joyful. The near certainty of falling in love with the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen, your newborn baby. Despite the aches, pains, burps and stretch marks, pregnancy is a glorious time. I recall being so full of excitement, hope, love and joy with the growing child…
Birth Story Healing
Birth is a highly emotional experience. How we are treated and the joy or trauma that we go through can stay with us forever. Nearly every mother I’ve ever met, no matter what age, remembers and easily shares details of her experiences giving birth. Just as it takes time to heal physically it also takes time…
Placenta Services at Buddha Belly!
Potential Benefits of Placenta Consumption In Placenta: the Forgotten Chakra, noted author, midwife and poet, Robin Lim, CPM, counts the benefits to a mother of consuming her placenta immediately after giving birth. “The placenta is so rich in nutrients that is believed to prevent postpartum depression when ingested. It contains iron and all the…
Letting Go, When Breastfeeding Comes to an End
When your breastfeeding relationship is coming to an end it can be a time of mixed emotions. You are not alone. While I was lying with my son tonight helping him go back to sleep (without offering the breast) I felt proud of both of us and yet a little bit sad. He is 2…
Code Red Baby Preps (updated May 2021)
I remember the urgent feeling of needing to have a crib before my first son was born. It felt so important. For some reason we left it til the very end of my pregnancy. The feeling of relief and preparedness that crib provided once it was sitting in our bedroom set-up and ready with the…
Lightning Crotch – What Is Effacement?
Recently, a laboring mother had us, her birth team, laughing and giggling with the words she used to describe the sensations she was having. A particularly funny phrase she kept using was “Lightning Crotch.” This is a stinging, burning, pins and needles type of feeling right in the crotch, not during a contraction but in between or…
My Pregnancy Loss
This is my personal story about pregnancy loss and it may be triggering for some. After my first son was born via emergency cesarean with a special scar, I longed for a VBAC and peaceful happy birth experience. Four and a half years later I was pregnant again. Soon after discovering I was pregnant the morning…
Shane’s Birth Story
Eight years ago today I gave birth to my first son, Shane. I have never published his birth story and it seemed appropriate today to share it. (*This story may be triggering for some.) “Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the most wonderful things that…
Welcome To Buddha Belly
Welcome to Buddha Belly Birth! We are very excited to have finally given birth to this new brand for the business and are looking forward to what the future holds. Having been a doula and a birth advocate in the Tampa area for years (without a blog! just a website) I have many blog posts…
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