Leah Remini on Why She Hired a Doula

My husband, Mike Rinder, co-hosts the TV show Scientology The Aftermath with actress, comedian and best-selling author Leah Remini. She visited the Tampa area a few months ago. At dinner one evening, I was pleased to learn that Leah had the support of a postpartum doula after the birth of her daughter, Sophia, 12 years ago. She graciously agreed to share a bit of her doula story with us.” – Christie

1. When you first heard of a doula what did you think it was all about?

Leah: I thought it was a frivolous idea that “natural types” needed.  My friends kept saying, “You will really want one,” and I said, “I have a mom, I don’t need a fancy doula.”

2. How did your perception change after she spent some time with you?

Leah: Well, we didn’t end up hiring the doula until after our baby was born. But she was booked, as doulas usually are, way in advance.

Seeing the mistake I made in not having hired her, I begged her to give me any time she had. She gave me two glorious weeks of love, help and support.

As a new mom, I didn’t really know what the hell I was doing. I was sleep deprived. I was scared of doing everything wrong. I was crying all the time. I was wearing a diaper myself. I was a mess physically and mentally, caring for a new human being that was my whole world, and I had no clue how to navigate through this myriad of emotions.

3. Tell us about your doula. What was she like?

Leah: She was from Haiti, full of life, she was louder than me and I loved her with every piece of me.

She took care of me and my husband by forcing us to sleep. She set the tone of the house. She took charge of everything. She would say things like, “Miss Sofia, it’s not time to sleep, it’s time to eat.” She set everything up in the baby’s room room for us. “This is where the aquaphor goes. This is how you put a burp cloth under her neck so she doesn’t get a rash. This is how you burp her.”

4. Did you feel an increased level of confidence as a result?

Leah: Look, we all find our way with our babies; you don’t need a doula, you can suffer through it, but why?

As new parents, so many emotions come at once. You go from who you once were as a couple to a becoming a mom and a dad. Your roles change; your life changes overnight.

You need the emotional support. Why spend time worried about if you have the right bottles, colic, how to bathe your baby the right way…. it’s so amazing to have someone there for you to help you through this.

Believe me, there are years of worrying ahead! 😉

I mean, yes, some of us have our parents to call on for help, but they usually leave at 5 pm! LOL.

A doula can be so comforting! Why not? ~ Leah Remini

Thank you Leah! We couldn’t agree more! 

Leah Remini and baby Sofia

Leah and baby Sofia

About Christie Collbran

Christie believes in helping women recognize their own inner wisdom, strength and power. Having served as President of the Tampa Bay Birth Network for six years and with ten years serving families as a birth doula, she has a reputation for leadership, dedication and compassion. A childbirth educator, certified lactation counselor as well as a certified doula, she makes a point of ensuring mothers and their partners understand all their birthing options and what to expect on their journey.> keep reading

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