Tampa Birth Options: Labor of Love Birth Center

We are fortunate in Tampa Bay to have so many excellent birth location options, including Labor of Love Birth Center in Lutz – the “home of natural birthing.” For the last ten years, Labor of Love has been owned and operated by Bea Rowell, RM, LM, CPM. It is professionally and expertly staffed by four licensed midwives. With the graduation of one of their student midwives this Spring that number will total five!
Birthing women are cared for prenatally in the attached clinic and then have two fully equipped, tranquilly decorated birthing suites available to meet their baby in. (Some women may also be able to arrange a home birth with Labor of Love, depending on meeting certain criteria.) Both suites have a living room, bedroom, private bath, birthing tub and more, allowing each expecting family the freedom and comfort needed to meet their baby.
The midwives here are extremely supportive of clients birth wishes and preferences and we have seen them expertly and safely shepherd new families through their birth journeys many times.
Labor of Love Birth Center is a terrific option for any woman looking for a safe, unmedicated birth outside of a hospital, including first time mothers.
Unfortunately, Florida law prohibits birth centers from accommodating VBACs (vaginal birth after cesareans) but does allow licensed midwives at home births to care for these special births.