Announcing Your Pregnancy
You just found out you are pregnant! You may be feeling mixed emotions; a little nervous and likely very excited. While you are considering when and how to announce your pregnancy there are some things to consider before sharing the news.
Some expectant parents call their closest family and friends right away. Many wait until the end of the first trimester (around 13 weeks) before making the big announcement. Various factors influence why people wait until this time to share the news.
However, the most important aspect should always be what makes you the most comfortable.
The risk of miscarriage is greatest during the first trimester. Approximately 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage and 80% happen in the first trimester. Most miscarriages are caused by things that are beyond a mother’s control. With these numbers in mind, it is understandable that some parents choose to wait until the risk of miscarriage lessens before announcing their pregnancy. Most parents don’t want to have to tell people the sad news of a miscarriage shortly after announcing their pregnancy.
Waiting until the end of the first trimester also gives you time to attend your first prenatal visit with your care provider. They can confirm your pregnancy and estimate your due date. You can hear your baby’s heartbeat and fully absorb the idea of this big change.
Some families may be more private and prefer to keep the news to themselves longer, and that is okay too. If you’ve had a previous pregnancy loss, difficulty conceiving or other complications you may choose to wait beyond 13 weeks to share the news of your pregnancy. It is entirely up to you to do what you feel is best.
When and if you choose to broadcast this news, you may be looking for special ways to do so.
Here are some of our pregnancy announcement ideas:
Have a planned party with friends & family, and make a big announcement to your guests.
Throwing a get together or cookout is a great way to share your secret with the ones you love. Maybe gather the crowd before or after you eat to unveil your surprise or use hidden messages on your table settings for your guests. Have the words: “We are expecting” written on top of the cake you plan to serve your guests.
Plan a professional pregnancy photo shoot of you and your partner.
You can use fun props, customized shirts or just keep it simple with the two of you. Whatever is your style: silly, fun or classy, you can accomplish through photography.
Take your own creative pictures to share on social media.
Have your partner snap a picture of you pulling a dish from your oven with the caption “Bun in the Oven.”
Share the image of something you and your partner love, with a smaller baby version included. For example, if you both love to hike, post a photo of your hiking boots with a mini pair for the baby in the middle.
Write a special message like “Due on (expected due date)” on a letter board, paired with a cute baby blanket and a touch of simple decor for the season you anticipate your baby to arrive.
Send out pregnancy announcement cards.
You don’t have to worry about anyone feeling left out, since these can easily be sent by mail.
We recommend letting your closest family and friends know before making an announcement in a grand and public way. Also, don’t forget that your boss and co-workers may see your social media page, so it’s best to notify them before you make an online post.
There is no right or wrong way to share the news, if you choose to do so at all. When and if you decide to announce your pregnancy, it is your moment. Have fun with your big news and share it your way.