Should I Wear My Baby? Your Ultimate Babywearing Guide

Two parents wearing their babies, babywearing guide

Does your baby always want to be near you?

Of course they do! 

That’s where babywearing comes in. 

Babywearing is a wonderful way to connect to your baby and be hands-free… 

You can have the best of both worlds— you can hold your baby, and do all the things you enjoy. 

There are many factors to consider as you begin your babywearing journey. 

Such as… 

  • What type of baby wrap or carrier should you buy? 
  • What should you wear while babywearing? 
  • Are there safety concerns? 
  • What are good safety tips to follow? 

Let us put your worries to rest and help you make the best decision for you. 

Babywearing Safety


Is it safe? 

Mothers have worn their babies for centuries. 

But today, we know a lot more about how to keep your baby safe in a carrier. So, if you adhere to safety guidelines, you have nothing to worry about. 

Your baby will love the snuggles, and so will you. 

What safety tips should I follow for babywearing? 

Here is an acronym to help you remember all the steps of babywearing safety. 


Allow us to explain…

T is for “Tight” 

Your baby wrap or carrier should be tight enough to hold your baby close, but also comfortable.

Having extra, slack fabric will cause your baby to slump down. This can restrict their breathing. It can also cause strain on your back and body. 

So, make sure your carrier is tight enough, but not overly constricting.

I is for “In View At All Times” 

Make sure you can see your baby’s face with a simple glance downward.

If you can’t see their face, you’ll need to adjust the carrier or wrap. They should have plenty of space to breathe and for you to check on them. 

In other words, you should be able to see your baby’s face without having to move the fabric. 

C is for “Close Enough to Kiss” 

Your baby’s head should be as close to your chin as is comfortable. A good way to tell if they are close enough is to ask…

Are they close enough for me to kiss their head or forehead? 

If not, you’ll most likely need to adjust the carrier. 

K is for “Keep Chin Off Chest” 

Your baby shouldn’t be in a curled position where their chin is on their chest. This can also constrict your baby’s breathing. 

To make sure there is enough space, place your finger in between your baby’s chin and chest.

There should be a finger’s width of space. 

S is for “Supported Back” 

The carrier or wrap should support your baby’s back.

A good baby carrier will hold your baby so their back is supported in its natural position and their tummy and chest are against you. Your baby’s bottom will sit in the deepest part of the carrier in “froggy” position. This means your baby’s knees are bent and slightly wider than their hips. 

If the wrap or carrier is too loose, they may not be able to achieve this position. 

Does Babywearing Delay My Baby’s Development? 

No, it’s actually quite the opposite.

Babywearing aids your baby’s physical and emotional development. You are someone they depend on, someone who will nurture them and protect them. 

You comfort them. It only makes sense that they want to be close to you.

Babywearing nurtures a baby’s primal, instinctual needs.  

Historically, in many cultures, babies would skip crawling altogether. Mothers would hold babies until they could walk. This provided them with protection from dangerous predators or other hazards.  

Carrying your baby doesn’t just allow you to be hands-free. You are also fulfilling your baby’s inherent need to be close to you. 

It’s biological and normal for you to be close to each other. Being hands-free is simply a benefit. 

Also, keep in mind…

Oxytocin, the love hormone, is released while you are close to your baby! This causes an increased parental bond and once again, adorable snuggles. 

Shopping For Baby Wraps and Carriers

It’s hard to know exactly what will work for you when it comes to baby wraps and carriers. 

There are so many to choose from!

You’re not alone in feeling overwhelmed and suffering from decision fatigue. 


Here are a few crowd favorites: 

Keep in mind that you may wear certain baby carriers or wraps for different reasons.  

You may wear a different wrap or carrier for different missions. If your mission is to go on a walk in warm weather, you may want something more breathable. 

If your mission is to have your baby nap on you while you do housework, you may want something more snuggly and soft. 

Practicality and purpose play a large role in deciding on the best baby carrier or wrap for you. 

Consider borrowing a carrier from a friend to see what you like. You can also join Facebook groups like Tampa Bay Babywearing to connect with someone who also babywears. 

Many resources are out there for you!

What Clothes To Wear While Babywearing

Here’s our advice: 

Keep it practical! 

(But you don’t have to sacrifice being cute either). 

It’ll be most comfortable to wear: 

  • Breathable fabrics (such as cotton or linen) 
  • Stretchy materials (such as jersey or rayon) 
  • Outfits free of uncomfortable elements (extra buttons, metal zippers, etc) 

Here are a few outfit ideas: 

  • Stretchy jumpsuit or romper 
  • Leggings
  • Maxi dresses 
  • Loose, flowy tops 

Whatever you wear, make sure you and your baby are comfortable. It makes babywearing a breeze!

How Your Doula Can Help You

You can also talk to your doula about how to properly use your baby carrier if you’re still having trouble. There is a learning curve! 

We’re happy to help you figure it out. 

Whatever you need during your pregnancy, birth, or postpartum journey…

We’re here for you. 

We will…

  • Answer your many questions 
  • Calm your fears 
  • Empower your decisions

We can’t wait to hear from you! 

Also check out: Bringing Your Baby Home – Steps to Success or What Baby Gear Do I Really Need?

About Christie Collbran

Christie believes in helping women recognize their own inner wisdom, strength and power. Having served as President of the Tampa Bay Birth Network for six years and with ten years serving families as a birth doula, she has a reputation for leadership, dedication and compassion. A childbirth educator, certified lactation counselor as well as a certified doula, she makes a point of ensuring mothers and their partners understand all their birthing options and what to expect on their journey.> keep reading