What do you need to know about bottle feeding? We discuss bottle feeding basics, bottle safety, formula guidelines, how to get a breastfed baby to take a bottle and more!
Exclusive Pumping Tips & Sample Pumping Schedules
Are you in your pumping era? Looking for more information about exclusive pumping and what that means for you as you return to work? There are many reasons that parents feed their babies by exclusively pumping breast milk. Maybe you chose it, or maybe it chose you. Either way… If you’re returning to work soon… you…
Why Is My Newborn So Gassy? 10 Expert Doula Tips
You might be wondering why your baby is struggling with gas. Digesting food is a new skill for your baby’s body to learn. Being immature and new, your baby’s digestive system needs time to adjust Whether they are eating from the breast or bottle, their little tummies are still sorting out this new “eating arrangement.”…
Feeling Emotional About Weaning? 3 Tips to Start Your Breastfeeding Weaning Plan
You’ve worked long and hard to breastfeed your baby. For some, breastfeeding comes easy, while for others, not so much. After you manage to connect all the dots, breastfeeding still takes a large portion of your day. It takes time and energy to connect and learn your baby’s rhythm. As your baby grows and no…
Hunger Cues | How To Tell Your Baby is Hungry
Why is it important to know your baby’s hunger cues? Understanding your baby’s signals helps you know when and how often to feed her. Newborn babies have tiny tummies and need to eat often. An average of 8 – 12 feedings in a 24 hour period is expected and necessary. A couple of those feedings…
Breast Milk Storage Guidelines and Formula Storage Guidelines
Did you know the American Academy of Pediatrics recently updated its guidelines for storage of breast milk? You can count on your team of postpartum doulas and lactation counselors here at Buddha Belly to always keep you up to date with the latest breast milk and formula storage guidelines. We love that the guidance starts…
Infant Feeding Schedule ~ How Often My Baby Needs to Eat & How Much
If you are the parent of a newborn, you’ve likely heard this question from the pediatrician or others: how many times a day is your baby feeding? I remember when I had my first baby, I answered, “A million?” It certainly felt like my newborn didn’t do anything other than eat, sleep and fill her…
Helping Baby Accept a Bottle
It’s a bit of a terrifying scenario for breastfeeding parents who are returning to paid work: your baby refuses to feed from a bottle. Everyone panics. Your caregiver is nervous about how they will take care of your baby while you’re away. You are scared about your baby getting the nutrition and hydration that she…
What’s the Best Formula for My Baby?
We are often asked, as lactation counselors, what formula is best for my baby? (Yes lactation counselors are experts in ALL modes of infant feeding, not just breastfeeding.) This also comes up when we are supporting families as postpartum doulas. For us, the best baby formula should follow three simple rules. As a reminder, we…
Exclusive Pumping 101
Breastfeeding: the most natural thing on the planet, according to many loud opinions on the internet. Right? What happens when breastfeeding proves to be a challenge? Some families turn to exclusive pumping as a means to feed their babies. Can we tell you a little secret? It’s still breastfeeding. You are providing your baby with…
Newborn and Infant Bottle-Feeding | Formula Fed Babies
Newborn and Infant bottle-feeding can be daunting! Feeding their newborn is one of the first things in most new parents’ minds, right behind a birth plan! No matter which option is chosen, most parents need to use a bottle at some point. From leaving baby with a caregiver to get a well-deserved break to letting…
There’s No Perfect Bottle for Your Baby
Have you been searching for the perfect bottle for your baby? Some babies take right to bottle feeding with no problems. Some babies have a bit harder of a time with bottle feeding. Marketing and commerce have convinced us that there is a perfect bottle out there and if we only spend $653 trying all…