Preparing for labor and birth? We’ve got you covered with articles on topics such as: birth plans, induction, pain medication, comfort techniques, epidurals, food and drink in labor, unmedicated labor, aromatherapy, laboring in the water, c-sections, vbacs and much more!
How Sex Can Help Induce Labor
Have you heard the saying “What gets the baby in there (sex) may help get the baby out?” Or maybe your doctor or midwife told you to have sex to help get labor started? You might be wondering what in the world this is all about. How does sex help get the baby out exactly? …
All the Baby Shower Ideas
If you’re pregnant and looking for some baby shower ideas… We’ve put together some great ones so you can have one less thing to worry about. As doulas, we know how important it is to celebrate these moments on your pregnancy journey. It might not feel like it right now, but pregnancy goes by in…
Unusual Pregnancy Symptoms to Never Ignore
With pregnancy comes a lot of weird symptoms. Some normal… Some unusual. As your pregnancy progresses, it’ll be important to know some symptoms that are not normal. Let’s dive into a few symptoms that you should never ignore. Vaginal Bleeding There are many reasons why you could be bleeding during pregnancy. Here are a few…
Past Your Due Date? 7 Things to Know
Going past your due date can bring on a mixture of emotions. You’re ready to meet your baby and you’re tired. You have to wait…… and ….wait some more. Bending down to tie your shoe is out of the question. Getting up from the couch is a sporting event. You find yourself flashing glares of…
Helpful Recovery Steps For C-Section Healing Week by Week
What is a c-section? A c-section (cesarean delivery) is major abdominal surgery where your baby is delivered through an incision made in your abdomen and uterus. This happens when a vaginal delivery seems to be unsafe or risky. A few possible reasons a c-section might be needed include: You might be wondering… What happens if…
Who Should You Allow in the Delivery Room? 5 Questions to Ask
Is your due date fast approaching? There are always so many things to figure out when it comes to giving birth. Packing your hospital bag, knowing your birth plan, who to invite… You might be wondering, who should I allow in the delivery room with me? This can be a difficult question to answer, and…
Am I Going Into Labor? Understanding Prodromal Labor
Coming to the end of your pregnancy can be such a challenging task. Not only are you done being pregnant, but the inevitable question rears its head: When will I go into labor? Most of your pregnancy goes by in the blink of an eye. But the last month of pregnancy is a different story. …
Pregnancy After Loss
Losing a baby through miscarriage or stillbirth is one of the hardest things any parent will ever go through. When I was pregnant with my 2nd child, I went into preterm labor at 17 weeks. Having made it to the 2nd trimester we had already announced the pregnancy to friends and family. My husband and…
Recovering from a Traumatic Birth
Childbirth is a powerful and transformative event, but sometimes the experience can be traumatic. Things don’t always go as planned and the feelings you have during and after the birth can be emotionally challenging. On a personal level my first baby’s birth was very difficult and I experienced a degree of PTSD afterwards. I worked…
Pregnancy After 35 | Advanced Maternal Age
One day you’re 34 and feeling fine, but as the clock strikes midnight on your 35th birthday the switch is flipped and your fertility takes a nosedive, right? Forget gradual changes – your ovaries throw a little party and the DJ starts spinning “Last Dance.” Your eggs decide to pack their bags and head for…
The Benefits of Choosing a Doula Agency
If you’re on this page, you’re likely considering bringing a doula into your birth or postpartum experience. Kudos to you for prioritizing support and care during this remarkable journey. As someone deeply involved in the Tampa Bay community – a doula here since 2009, and the founder of Buddha Belly Doulas since 2014 – I’ve…
Braxton Hicks Contractions: The Prequel to Labor
Braxton what?! If you’re on this page, chances are you’ve heard whispers about Braxton Hicks contractions and today, we’re going to demystify them for you. What are Braxton Hicks Contractions? Braxton Hicks contractions, also charmingly known as “practice contractions,” are the dress rehearsal before the real show. They’re your uterus’s way of flexing its muscles…
Understanding Prenatal Rh Antibody Testing
During pregnancy you may encounter various prenatal tests and new or complicated terminology. Your doulas are here to help you understand this information. One such test is the Rh Antibody Screening. Let’s break it down and highlight the important points you should know. What is the Rh antibody test? This test aims to identify specific…
Should I Take a Breastfeeding Class?
I talk to a lot of expecting mothers and hear many of them say they hope to be successful at breastfeeding, but they aren’t sure it will work out. These hopes are mixed in with stories they’ve heard from friends and families. At least 80% of women initiate breastfeeding. That is a high percentage who…
What is Preeclampsia?
Preeclampsia is a complication that happens in about 1 in 25 pregnancies in the United States. While it’s a serious condition, it’s important to remember that with proper care and monitoring, many women with preeclampsia can still have a healthy and safe birth. So, what is preeclampsia? Preeclampsia is a condition that typically develops after…
12 Steps to Prepare for a Successful VBAC
My first child was born via cesarean and my second child was born vaginally. Despite the odds we had a vaginal birth after a cesarean, aka VBAC! I gave birth in the comfort of my home with my husband, a licensed midwife (CPM) and my birth doula present. The journey from c-section to VBAC was full…
All About Childbirth Afterpains
Childbirth afterpains are one of those things that: “nobody tells you about!” So let me be the one to rectify that. When I first heard about childbirth afterpains, my mind went to the perhaps grim analogy of an earthquake. Forgive me. I grew up in Los Angeles, California where we did earthquake drills regularly in…
Prenatal Care: What to Expect
Regular prenatal checkups are an important part of staying healthy while pregnant. During these visits your doctor, nurse or midwife will monitor your baby’s development and do routine testing to find and prevent potential complications. This is also a good time to ask questions and learn important information related to your pregnancy, labor and birth.…
Second Trimester Checklist: What To Do in the Second Trimester of Pregnancy
Congratulations, you’ve made it to the second trimester! Hopefully you are settling into this new life of being pregnant and the exhaustion and nausea has decreased. Maybe you’re even starting to feel that second trimester boost of energy. We’ve put together a helpful checklist for you to use as you navigate the next several weeks…
Virtual Childbirth and Baby Care Classes
What if you cannot fit an in-person birth or baby care class into your busy schedule? We’ve got you covered with our virtual birth and baby care classes! Here at Buddha Belly we offer a number of different options for all of the classes that we teach. Making our classes accessible to you is a…
First Trimester Checklist: What To Do in the First Trimester of Pregnancy
The first trimester is exciting! Congratulations, you’re pregnant! And now your mind is probably swirling as you think of all the things you need to do. For this reason, we’ve prepared a first trimester checklist to help you get through your first twelve weeks of pregnancy. 1. Remove stress from your life. Yes, this is…
My Surprise Breech Baby and Tips
My first baby was breech and was born via an emergency c-section. We only discovered he was breech when I was well into labor, which is pretty unusual. “I think we need to head to the birth center,” I told my husband. At 37 ½ weeks pregnant, I had gotten up in the middle of…
Breastfeeding Myths
Is taking a breastfeeding class a good idea? We say – Yes! There are so many myths and silly ideas swirling around about breastfeeding. Sometimes these myths can deter you from even trying or succeeding at breastfeeding your baby. Getting the facts at a breastfeeding class can help you get a good start on your…
Caring for Baby After a C-Section
Healing from a c-section can sometimes be overwhelming. You, a warrior, just had major surgery. Now you not only have to care for yourself, you have to care for your baby! This is a challenge that is sometimes forgotten. Once you’ve left the hospital, how can you easily care for your newborn? First of all,…
The Benefits of Private Childbirth Classes
Not everybody wants to leave their house to take a childbirth class. Therfore, we offer private childbirth classes that are taught in the comfort of your home, in person (or over a virtual platform.) Our certified childbirth educators bring all the learning to you, including all of the books, teaching props and gear. In this…
Group Childbirth Classes
We are excited to announce that we will now be offering group Childbirth Classes! Our group childbirth classes prepare you to have a smooth pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience. You will learn about the process of labor, birth and routine medical procedures. Our goal is to answer all of your questions and help you feel…
Birth Plans Can Change
“When our birth plan changed and I needed a surgical birth, my doula held my hand in the operating room and helped us to stay calm.” – Haley, St. Pete Beach Birth plans can change, like Haley describes. Many people (mistakenly) think birth doula support is only for a “natural” birth or vaginal birth. What…
Induce Labor Naturally?
Looking to get labor started? Are there any natural ways to induce labor? There is a LOT of misinformation out there (thanks a lot, Dr. Google!) about DIY ways to kick start childbirth. But do they actually work? Acupuncture? Little evidence that it induces labor, little evidence that it can cause harm. So, maybe? Red…
Food and Drink in Labor?
Food and drink in labor? Many people are surprised to find out that their birth facility or care provider restricts “oral intake” in labor after admission to the hospital. ACOG (the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) says: “There is insufficient evidence to draw conclusions about the relationship between fasting times for clear liquids and…
Dancing in Labor and Delivery
Dancing in labor? Yes, this is wonderful if you feel so inclined. Let’s discuss why it works. In order for your baby to be born, she must descend and make several movements through the birth canal. Your position can greatly influence her progress during labor and delivery. Using gravity and changing positions frequently is helpful…
How Will I Cope with Labor?
How will I cope with labor? What are the options? Some mothers know exactly what they want and others would like to research and learn about their options. Here is a brief summary of some pain relief and coping strategies used in labor. 1. Unmedicated/Comfort Measures Laboring mothers that plan to go without medicine often…
Early Labor vs Active Labor – When to Go to the Hospital? (updated 2022)
Understanding the differences between these two phases of labor will help you to make a better decision about when to head to the hospital, birth location or call the midwife! What does early labor look like? Early labor is usually the longest part of labor and can last from a few hours to a few…
What Should I Be Doing Now to Get Ready to Give Birth? (updated June 2022)
As you near the end of your pregnancy you may be wondering: “What should I be doing now to get ready to give birth?” This is a very common question that we hear as birth doulas in our prenatal sessions with clients. In this session, we meet with the pregnant woman and her partner, in…
Recovering after a Cesarean (updated July 2022)
Cesareans are so common these days that we sometimes forget they are major abdominal surgeries. In addition to recovering from this surgery, the mother is also taking care of a brand new baby. It’s a lot to cope with at the same time. Here are some c-section recovery tips from the doulas on our team.…
Ugh, Why Am I Not in Labor Yet? (updated June 2022)
As I got to the end of my first pregnancy, I was so ready to meet my baby. I’m not quite sure that I was ready to be in labor – that sounded hard – but I really, really wanted to find out what he or she looked like. Technically we didn’t know the sex,…
“My Water Just Broke!” says Every TV Birth
If we trusted modern film and TV portrayals of labor and birth, we would all believe that the first sign of labor is that your water will break unexpectedly. A huge gush will splash all over you and the grocery store floor where you were peacefully doing your shopping, all over your friend’s new car,…
Woof! Don’t Forget About Me!
Who is going to take care of your dog while you are in labor? I wish I had thought more about this. I was planning a homebirth with a licensed midwife. Our dog, Nikita, would just hang out at home with us. Planning for something else never even crossed my mind. She was really sweet,…
All About Labor Induction
Labor induction is the process of using medical interventions to stimulate labor. When it comes to starting labor, it’s generally recommended to wait for it to begin naturally, unless there are specific medical reasons that call for induction. Some reasons given for induction include: hypertension, preeclampsia, heart disease, gestational diabetes, infection in the uterus, placenta complications…
I Was Scared to Give Birth
Second pregnancies go so fast. Between keeping up with my toddler, Annie, a career and busy family life, before I knew it, I was eight months pregnant. At first, I felt sad that I hadn’t had a moment to be “present” mentally while growing this new baby. Then one day, I was driving home from…
Not-so Private Parts: Should You Shave or Wax Before Birth?
If you’re currently pregnant, have been pregnant previously or thinking about getting pregnant in the future, chances are you have wondered about this. Given the incredibly personal nature of this topic, though, you most likely didn’t talk about it with anyone. Maybe your sister or a very, very close girlfriend who has given birth. Most…
To VBAC or Not to VBAC?
If you are here, you are probably asking yourself “Should I try to have a VBAC or should I choose a repeat cesarean?” Always speak to your doctor or midwife to get their professional medical advice. But, if you are anything like me you may also want to do your own research. When I was…
I Trust My Doctor. Why Do I Need Childbirth Classes?
At a childbirth education class recently, a father-to-be asked a very thought-provoking question: If you have a great care provider (OB/midwife), why do I need childbirth classes? Why do we need to know any of this stuff? Why not just trust them to make the decisions for you? While not comprehensive, here are a few ideas…
What’s Laboring Down?
Whew! You made it! You’re finally at 10 cm dilated, that means it’s time to start pushing, right? Well… maybe not yet. Dilation is only one small part of the coordinated efforts made by your body and your baby’s in order to be born. Other things that need to happen are effacement, tilting of the cervix AND…
Birth Plans & Your Unpredictable Birth
We love helping our clients figure out and come up with their birth plans. It’s a great opportunity to learn about all of the options and variations that can come up in labor and birth and what you would prefer. One of the hardest things we deal with as laboring and birthing people is accepting…
Hospital Bag Checklist
“What should I bring to the hospital?” Here are some ideas. A few items on the list will also be provided by your hospital (blankets, pillow, shampoo, soap, etc) but if you prefer your own toiletries and want to feel more at home we suggest you bring these items with you. Download a copy of this checklist here. Labor…
The Many Uses of a Yoga Ball (updated July 2022)
A yoga or exercise ball is a great tool to have in your home during your pregnancy, labor and beyond. Due to the many helpful ways you can use a yoga ball, it really is a worthy and smart investment. When choosing a ball be sure to get the appropriate size based on your height.…
The Love Hormone: Oxytocin
Oxytocin has physical AND behavioral effects on the human body, making it one amazingly magical chemical. (Note: oxytocin and pitocin are not the same thing. Pitocin is the synthetic version of oxytocin. It can replicate the physiologic aspects of oxytocin on the body, but not the behavioral ones.) It’s called the “love hormone” because our…
Are Childbirth Classes Still a Thing?
Yes – taking a childbirth class is still a thing! Let’s breakdown the benefits of a childbirth class. I know we are now accustomed to Googling and using the Internet to find information. And while those are definitely a resource, taking a childbirth class in person is still a great option. I attended a 10-week childbirth…
When is the Best Time to Hire a Doula?
Is it ever too early or too late to hire a doula? Our answer is: if you are currently pregnant, it’s never too early or too late. If you hire a doula very early in your pregnancy, you will have more time to use her services and get to know each other. Your doula will be…
6 “Out of the Nest” Ideas for…Nesting
As your pregnancy comes to an end, you may notice an increased desire to clean, organize, cook or otherwise prepare (mentally or physically) your “nest” for your baby’s arrival. This may be in spite of your normal desire to do anything of the sort! I spent more than one hour cleaning out the microwave a week…
Why Prenatal Yoga?
During my last pregnancy, I attended prenatal yoga classes at Yoga Village in Safety Harbor and I was really happy that I did. I got more out of it than expected. Here are some reasons to consider prenatal yoga. 1. Relief from common pregnancy discomforts. As your body transforms, more weight and stress is put…
4 Easy Comfort Measures for Labor
While almost no woman would ever use the word “comfortable” to describe how they felt in labor, there are things that can be done to lessen the pain of birth. This list isn’t exhaustive but are approaches that work and that you can easily try without a lot of previous training or experience. Environment The…
Tampa Bay Cesarean Section Rates (2014)
The location and caregiver you choose will have a major role in the outcome of your birth. In fact this may be one of the most pivotal prenatal decisions that you will make. The World Health Organization proposes a cesarean section rate that does not exceed 15%. Below are the most recently published (2014) cesarean section rates for Tampa Bay…
You Can Do Hard Things
It’s Cesarean Awareness Month. Having been through an unplanned, emergency cesarean, this topic is near and dear to my heart. So I’ve been thinking about how to share what has been on my mind about this subject recently. And I realized it’s bigger and more than just cesareans. I realize that it relates to any…
It’s Baby Time! When Should We Leave Home?
They say ‘timing is everything,’ and this is no less true in labor than other aspects of life. It does matter when you go to your birth location – you don’t want to be there too soon, and you probably don’t want to have your baby in the car! So when exactly is the right…
Netflix and Chill in Labor?!?!
Early labor can last for many hours, perhaps even days. And while early labor is not usually very painful, it can be exhausting and hard to tolerate. During early labor, your body and your baby are preparing the cervix by getting it into the right position, thinning it and starting to open it. Your uterus…
Who Will Be in the Birth Room?
A new baby brings such joy, not only to her parents, but also to a gathering of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, neighbors, friends… the list goes on and on. And truly, as new parents, you’ll learn to rely on the support they’ll provide over your child’s life. Is there ever a time you won’t…
7 Things About Writing a Birth Plan (updated 2022)
Many expectant parents ask us about a birth plan – what should go on it, what shouldn’t? For most people, a birth plan is a good idea, when used as a communication tool. By this we mean, it communicates your preferences to your care providers in a clear, succinct fashion. Birth is unpredictable and there…
A Failure to Plan…A Plan for Failure?
Have you ever heard this expression? Both my father and father-in-law were in the Army, so this is a saying that I have heard over and over again. And while it’s not completely true in birth, it is still very applicable. As doulas, we hear a similar sentiment a lot… “I’m just going to go…
Do Doulas Replace Partners?
The answer is no, they do not. Partners are an extremely vital part of the birth team. Nobody knows you, your strengths, weaknesses, desires and the essences of what makes you unique as well as your partner. The connection and love between you and your partner is crucial during labor and birth. “A father’s [or…