Baby on Mom's chest during the Golden Hour After Birth

The Golden Hour After Birth

By Christie Collbran | February 5, 2023

The Golden Hour (or hours) refers to the immediate hour after you have given birth to your baby and the connection that takes place during this time. This quality time between you and your baby will have lasting effects on your relationship and how your baby adapts to their new environment. Your beautiful baby arrives…

Surviving the holidays with a newborn, newborn baby in a Santa hat

Surviving the Holidays with a Newborn

By Christie Collbran | December 6, 2022

The magic of the holiday season is magnified by the arrival of your baby. Of course, it is natural to want to create the perfect first Christmas for your growing family. Be that as it may, bringing a newborn home means your daily routines have undergone a major adjustment. Add in the bustle and flurry…

When to Hire a Postpartum Doula

When Should I Hire My Postpartum Doula?

By Christie Collbran | November 29, 2022

It’s no secret that finding a spot at the best local daycare or preschool requires booking months in advance. Sometimes it even means putting your name on a wait list. You’ve heard about this before, right? “Infant care tends to book up fairly fast and several months in advance. In order to find one that…

introducing your pet to your baby

Introducing Your Pet to Your Baby

By Christie Collbran | November 7, 2022

Your pet is a cherished member of your family and should be included when big changes are happening. Here are some helpful tips to eliminate stress and concerns when you bring your newborn home.  Start preparations before your baby arrives. In all of the excitement of preparing for your new baby, you might not have…

Routines build consistency for babies and children

Routines Build Consistency for Babies and Children

By Christie Collbran | October 25, 2022

Consistent routines and structure can benefit everyone in your family and are important for children at any age. Why are routines beneficial for babies and children?  Routines help children feel safe, stable and less stressed.  Children are faced with continual changes in their lives. As they grow up their bodies change constantly. Few of these…

car seat safety ages and stages

Car Seat Safety, Ages and Stages

By Christie Collbran | September 28, 2022

We all want to keep our children safe, yet some discussions about car seats are touchy. The subject of rear facing vs. forward facing car seats can raise some serious debate. In honor of National Child Passenger Safety Month, let’s discuss car seat safety for different ages and stages. How do I choose the right…

when parents and grandparents collide

Old School vs. New School – When Parents and Grandparents Collide

By Christie Collbran | September 20, 2022

Grandparents want the best for their grandchildren but sometimes their information and beliefs are outdated. Things can get a little uncomfortable when parents and grandparents collide. When I was pregnant with my first child, I told my Mom I was looking for a pediatrician for my baby. “Why?” she asked, surprised. I explained I would…

Is My Baby Cross Eyed, Baby Wearing Glasses

Is My Baby Cross-Eyed? When To Be Concerned

By Christie Collbran | August 15, 2022

Sometimes parents notice their newborn’s eyes look a little cross-eyed in the beginning. Yes, it is normal for a newborn’s eyes to wander or cross occasionally during the first few months of life. Their muscles are strengthening and their eyes are learning to focus. By the time a baby is 4–6 months old, their eyes…

brushing baby hair with soft brush cradle cap

Cradle Cap: What It Is & What To Do

By Christie Collbran | July 27, 2022

Does my baby have cradle cap? If you have seen flaking and crusting with yellow or white scales on your baby’s scalp, you are probably noticing cradle cap. Don’t be concerned. There is no evidence that it causes any discomfort to your baby at all. If you are not certain whether your child has cradle…

Taking Your Baby on Vacation

Taking a Vacation with Your Baby

By Christie Collbran | June 20, 2022

Now that summer is in full swing, and traveling is pretty much back to normal, taking a vacation seems more needed than ever! It’s important to keep in mind that for your baby, almost everything is new and stimulating. And if you think adjusting to a new space and unfamiliar things is a tough transition…

food allergies and your child sitting in high chair

Food Allergies and Your Child

By Christie Collbran | May 24, 2022

Did you know that about 6 million children have food allergies? That is a staggering number in my opinion. I never experienced a food allergy, so I was not very concerned about introducing my son to new foods when he was a baby. I followed our pediatrician’s recommendations until he was a certain age, but…

All about Bathing Your Baby

All About Bathing Your Baby

By Christie Collbran | May 11, 2022

You and your sweet new bundle are home from the hospital and finally figuring things out together. Each new day brings its own set of firsts for both of you. You may be nervous about some of the tasks you are facing, and that is completely normal. Every mother on the planet has been a…