Newborn Twin Nursery Set Up & Essentials
Congrats, it’s twins! When you find out you’re going to have a newborn twin nursery it is often overwhelming. Setting up one room for two brand new babies can seem like a daunting task. With a couple helpful pointers, you can set up a nursery that works perfectly without all the extra clutter. Newborn Twin…
What to Expect When You’re Expecting Twins (updated July 21, 2022)
Are you expecting twins (or more?) and unsure of what to… expect? At Buddha Belly, we’ve had the honor and pleasure to support dozens of families of multiples with their pregnancies, labors, births and postpartum lives. Here is some insight from our experienced doulas. You may need more frequent checkups when expecting twins. You will see…
A Doula for Twins
All new mothers need information, encouragement and support. How can a doula be especially helpful when you are having twins? 1. Your doula can help you find accurate information and determine what your preferences and wishes are. Giving birth to twins presents possibilities that you may want to know more about, including: will they be…