
Exclusive Pumping 101

By Christie Collbran | August 19, 2020

Breastfeeding: the most natural thing on the planet, according to many loud opinions on the internet. Right? What happens when breastfeeding proves to be a challenge? Some families turn to exclusive pumping as a means to feed their babies. Can we tell you a little secret? It’s still breastfeeding. You are providing your baby with…

Music As a Tool

Music is a Valuable Parenting Tool

By Christie Collbran | June 9, 2020

We loved meeting virtually with Shalini, the owner of Play and Grow Music in Pinellas County, last week. She is truly a bright ray of sunshine! Shalini teaches fun, playful and valuable music classes for babies and children. We asked her to share more about music as a valuable parenting tool for our readers:  In…

Infant reflux and spit up

Infant Reflux: Why Does My Baby Spit Up So Much?

By Christie Collbran | December 23, 2019

Infant Reflux seems to be one of the most diagnosed issues we see among our clients today. The rise in diagnosis could be contributed to many factors, one of which is the internet. Hop onto any forum and ask about your baby crying and you’re likely to hear “it’s probably Reflux!” from at least a…


There’s No Perfect Bottle for Your Baby

By Christie Collbran | October 9, 2019

Have you been searching for the perfect bottle for your baby? Some babies take right to bottle feeding with no problems. Some babies have a bit harder of a time with bottle feeding. Marketing and commerce have convinced us that there is a perfect bottle out there and if we only spend $653 trying all…

Finding a Pediatrician

Finding a Pediatrician (updated June 2022)

By Christie Collbran | July 26, 2017

When should I begin finding a pediatrician? If you don’t already have a pediatrician for your baby, it’s a good idea to start looking for a pediatrician during pregnancy. Give yourself a few weeks to a few months. This allows you sufficient time to make a well informed decision. What is the difference between a…

Advice on baby diapers

Cloth Diapers or Disposables?

By Christie Collbran | July 14, 2017

Cloth diapers are back in style! And they are not your grandmother’s diapers. There are lots of different styles, sizes, brands, cute patterns and accessories to explore. Some families are totally dedicated to cloth diapering and others do a combination of both cloth and disposables. There are special wet bags to put your wet cloth…

Baby Registry Advice

The Best Baby Registry – Advice from a Postpartum Doula (updated Jan 2023)

By Christie Collbran | July 1, 2017

As postpartum doulas, we work with a LOT of new families… first time moms, first time dads and newborns. So it’s only natural that we get asked, a LOT, what our “must-haves” are for baby registries. Here it is! Yes, it’s a long list.  Please note, that this does not mean you need all of…

Baby Preps Stressing You Out?

Code Red Baby Preps (updated May 2021)

By Christie Collbran | July 7, 2015

I remember the urgent feeling of needing to have a crib before my first son was born. It felt so important. For some reason we left it til the very end of my pregnancy. The feeling of relief and preparedness that crib provided once it was sitting in our bedroom set-up and ready with the…