Parenting is one of the hardest but most rewarding journeys. Here we share all of the ups, downs and tips from our experience. Topics include: raising children, dealing with colic, coping with judgement, preparing siblings for the new baby, tips for partners, traveling with kids, and everything in between!
Holiday Family Events in Tampa Bay
The holidays are in full swing! So, we’ve compiled a helpful list of some of the wonderful family friendly holiday events and happenings in and around Tampa Bay. To start, a great way to take in the sights and sound of the season are at some of Tampa’s local theme parks. Here’s the inside scoop…
Introducing Your Pet to Your Baby
Your pet is a cherished member of your family and should be included when big changes are happening. Here are some helpful tips to eliminate stress and concerns when you bring your newborn home. Start preparations before your baby arrives. In all of the excitement of preparing for your new baby, you might not have…
Routines Build Consistency for Babies and Children
Consistent routines and structure can benefit everyone in your family and are important for children at any age. Why are routines beneficial for babies and children? Routines help children feel safe, stable and less stressed. Children are faced with continual changes in their lives. As they grow up their bodies change constantly. Few of these…
Family Fall Events in Tampa Bay
There is so much to love about fall! My son was born in September, and at around 6 weeks old we were finally ready to introduce him to the world. We visited a local pumpkin patch at a small church and created such wonderful memories. It has since become a tradition for us to attend…
Old School vs. New School – When Parents and Grandparents Collide
Grandparents want the best for their grandchildren but sometimes their information and beliefs are outdated. Things can get a little uncomfortable when parents and grandparents collide. When I was pregnant with my first child, I told my Mom I was looking for a pediatrician for my baby. “Why?” she asked, surprised. I explained I would…
Returning to Work After Maternity Leave
My sweet baby boy was only a few days old, and I was already dreading the thought of going back to work. I tried to make the most of every moment we had together. I probably changed his clothes 5 times a day. Not because he needed me to, but because I feared he would…
Is Breastfeeding Always Difficult? – One Mom’s Story
In honor of National Breastfeeding Month, I wanted to share a little bit about my breastfeeding story. When I found out I was pregnant, everyone had an opinion about everything, including breastfeeding! I heard stories from my sister, who has had 4 children, about how her milk never came in, she didn’t produce enough milk…
Five Healthy Recipes for Nursing Parents
While the breastfeeding journey with my son was successful and amazing, it did come with its own setbacks that I had to learn to work through. As a first time mom, I had no idea how demanding nursing would be in the beginning. Newborns have very tiny tummies and often feed at the breast every…
Taking a Vacation with Your Baby
Now that summer is in full swing, and traveling is pretty much back to normal, taking a vacation seems more needed than ever! It’s important to keep in mind that for your baby, almost everything is new and stimulating. And if you think adjusting to a new space and unfamiliar things is a tough transition…
Taking Your Baby to the Beach
If you are anything like me, you know there are really healing energies offered by the sand and salt water of our gorgeous beaches here in Tampa Bay. We live where many people vacation, and there is a certain type of serenity that comes from the gulf breezes and gentle lapping of the waters. With…
Breastfeeding and Birth Control
We believe it’s just as important to understand your options and feel empowered in your decisions about birth control as it is for giving birth. In this post we share insight into breastfeeding as a form of birth control, called the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM). Is breastfeeding my baby an effective form of birth control?…
Hey Mom, Ask for and Accept the Help
Let’s normalize moms being called superheroes because we ask for and accept the help we need. Not because we handle so much on our own. Let’s go back to the village because here’s the thing, most of us aren’t handling it. I had my first baby when I was 15 years old. I was no…