Frequently Asked Questions about Placenta Encapsulation
We have been providing the highest standard in placenta encapsulation services in the Tampa Bay area for many years. Over time we’ve heard and answered lots of questions from our clients. Below are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about our placenta encapsulation process: 1. Why do some people choose to…
What Are the Risks of Placenta Encapsulation?
You may have read or heard about the benefits of placenta encapsulation- they’ve been documented here, as one example. More and more women are choosing this option to help them feel better faster after birth. Naturally, your next question may be, “What are the risks of placenta encapsulation?” Unfortunately, placentophagy (the scientific word for eating…
The 5 Senses of Placenta Encapsulation
We provide placenta encapsulation services right in your home. This is the safest and most hygienic location for the service to be performed. (Read more about that here.) Some clients when hearing about this, have questions about how the placenta encapsulation process will affect their 5 senses while we are in their home. Let’s explore…
What Is a Placenta Tincture? (updated July 2022)
Are you considering placenta encapsulation services to improve your postpartum experience? Then you may have also heard about placenta tinctures. What is that? you ask. Well, here is your answer. A tincture is a highly concentrated liquid extract of herbs, plants or other natural products. For example, vanilla extract, which you probably have in your…
Placenta Safety: What’s the Big Deal?
Why are we so adamant about safety when it comes to placenta encapsulation? (As a reminder, we don’t transport your placenta and we only encapsulate in your home.) There’s no doubt whose placenta it is. We provide all of our clients with a personal transportation kit, equipped with everything you need to safely move your placenta from…
There’s a Placenta in Your Kitchen???
Placenta encapsulation is the act of putting dehydrated placenta into capsules to be ingested by the mother. Placentophagy is the act of eating the placenta. Since many people find this idea distasteful, encapsulation is a much more palatable way to get the benefits. The Buddha Belly Difference Each Buddha Belly placenta client receives their own…
Happy Pills, Happy Mom???
Before the baby comes, eight to 12 weeks away from work seems like an eternity, right? Most pregnant professionals spend weeks preparing their teams, transitioning duties and creating process and procedure work flows. Many plan to work until either their estimated due date or the baby is born. We dream about all we’ll do -or…
Placenta Services at Buddha Belly!
Potential Benefits of Placenta Consumption In Placenta: the Forgotten Chakra, noted author, midwife and poet, Robin Lim, CPM, counts the benefits to a mother of consuming her placenta immediately after giving birth. “The placenta is so rich in nutrients that is believed to prevent postpartum depression when ingested. It contains iron and all the…